Thursday, October 22, 2009

Free Golf Tips

free golf tips
I read a golf tip that reminded me to pay more attention on my approach shots.

The tip was to "know your distances".

To me that means two things.

One. Know how far you are from the flag. Note the yardage on the sprinkler head or where you are relative to the 150 yard markers but there's more.

Most yardage markers are to the center of the green. Where is the pin? In front or behind that? Is there wind? Know these things and estimate a distance before you reach for your club.

Two. Know how far you hit each club. If you don't know the club you hit 125, 75, 140, 155 yards with, you will be at a disadvantage if you take the time to estimate your real distance.
Free golf tips courtesy of Doug Tarr at (how to break click below:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Free Golf Tips

Know How Far you Can Hit Each Club in Your Bag.

The first time I every played 5 rounds in 5 days, something very interesting happened. It was an accident. I hadn't read it anywhere. But suddenly when I was 100 yards from the pin, I knew that I could hit a 9 iron that distance every time. Suddenly, after 5 days I wasn't surprised at being over the green or embarrassingly short.

It occurred to me that this information was handy so I starting making some notes. How far could I hit a 3 iron, a 3 wood, a 9 iron, a 7 iron? Then every time I was standing on a par three 150 yards from the pin or on an approach shot 150 yards out, I knew what club to hit--without worrying.

Learn YOUR distance. This chart is typical. Adapt it to your game.

Pitching Wedge 70 yards
9 iron 100 yards
8 iron 120 yards
7 iron 140 yards
6 iron 150 yards
5 iron 160 yards
4 iron 170 yards
3 iron 180 yards
3 wood 203 yards
driver 225 yards

Know your distance, use the same tempo on each swing, let the club do the work and your rounds will be more consistent.

If you hit a 5 wood and a 3 iron the same distance, consider using the 5 wood more often on the fairway.

Soon you will have an easier time on long par 4s.

Medicus Dual Hinged Combo - Golf Training Aid

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free Golf Tips

Tee Box Choices - It all starts there.

You stand on the tee box and it is sunny. The day is great. You are golfing with friends or making new acquaintances. What should you be thinking about?

It should be something to do with the hole you are on.

Spend some time and think about the hole. How long? Straight or dog leg? Water? More Water? Nothing but water!

A good drive will set you up for a good score. If you are in the trees, deep grass, or a hazard, it becomes harder to save your score. Current thinking is 'grip it and rip it'. Giant head drivers encourage that thinking even more.

Follow this sequence to improve your chances of being in the middle of the fairway-often the best spot to be whether you are 100, 200 or 300 yards out.

First think about the hole and the distance you want to be at. A short dog leg left can hurt you if you simply drive as far as you can straight on. Driving too long can be a problem. So think about your length.

Based on your length decision, choose a club which is comfortable for you. A 3-wood or 5-wood is a perfectly fine choice. Tee box does not mean Big Bertha every single time.
Once you have distance in mind, then aiming is your next big decision. Do not just aim down the middle every time.

Look where the hazards are. You will find creeks, sand, trees, water, hills, rocks, cactus or other things to affect your choice. In addition, think about where the green is and what hazards are protecting it. If there is sand on the left then you want to approach from the right. So you want your drive to finish on the right.

Then consider the effect of the wind. Will it push you further left or right?

Finally, choose where on the tee box you want to stand. You can tee up your ball anywhere between the two markers. That means you can stand outside the markers if you tee up on the left side of the box (for your right hander). In addition you can move up to 2 club lengths behind the markers.

That gives you lots of choice where to stand and aim from. Pick your spot and tee up. Then pick a spot to aim at. I should remind you to aim at something not aim away from something. Looking at water, trees, houses and other distractions only attracts your ball towards them! Pick a spot on the fairway based on your choices and look at it when you aim.

Then, follow your pre-shot routine (remember-the same every time), take a smooth swing and smile to yourself as you end up where you wanted to. Then smile again as your partner picks a different spot, takes out the big wood and takes a mighty swing sending his (or her) ball 300 yards - into the trees. :-)

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